Public Health and Climate Change


"Every action that we take to decrease emissions and decrease air pollution is going to improve human health...There will be roughly 1.4 million lives saved over improved air quality over the next 20 years. This also results in about $700 billion per year to the US from improved health, which is dramatically more than the cost of implementing the changes necessary to mitigate and prepare for climate change."

Listen to Lara Tomov with Stories for Action speak with Dr.'s Robert and Lori Byron, founders of Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, about the dramatic health impacts of climate change, the sometimes surprising benefits of taking immediate action, and the important voice of medical professionals in ensuring positive change. Hear important information and calls to action for the general public, health professionals, and policymakers within Montana, and around the world.

Find out more about Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, and resources on state and national climate and health organizations at .

This podcast is posted with permission from Stories for Action. Stories for Action advances a thriving planet for all, by sharing the human connection through the power of storytelling.


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