Dear future grandchildren,

When I think of the environment I think beyond the things we can see and feel that are obvious to everyone.  I apologize for the damage we did and generations before us, that either did not know better or totally disregarded the warnings.  But I digress, environment is bigger and broader, sustainability is bigger and broader.  How do we all work together to create a safe, supportive, connected community that cares for each other and the physical environment we live in?  We are stewards of this place, it is not ours to do whatever we want with and only motivated by what feels good today.  We need to know each other, appreciate the uniqueness of each individual, only then will we feel safe, be safe, and care for each other.  Once we know each other we know what is going on, what needs we have, how we can get involved, what is important as a community. 

I want you to know that I tried, but realize now it wasn’t enough.  I should have thought more about what car I drove from the time I was 16, not when I turned 60.  I should have thought about the food I ate and where it came from and not worried about the cost.  I should have bought the battery powered lawn mower years ago instead of polluting the neighborhood with noise and exhaust.  I am doing these things now, anticipating the little, so little impact I know but I will encourage others and maybe my circle of influence will make a difference.

All of this is powered by my love for you and the hopes that you will be able to enjoy all of the beauty God gave us as I have been fortunate to. 

Love your Grandmother “Mommon”

This letter was collected as part of DearTomorrow Missoula, a partnership between Families for a Livable Climate and Climate Smart Missoula with DearTomorrow, an award-winning climate storytelling project where people write messages to loved ones living in the future. Messages are shared now at and through social media, public talks, community events, and public art to inspire deep thinking and bold action on climate.


Dear Soren


My children,