

As this moment in time you are just a figment of my imagination, a dream of that I hope might grace this world in 5-10 years.  I can’t picture what our planet will look like, feel like, smell and sound and taste like in 10 years, let alone in 50.  But I know I want to be a part of the solutions on the right side of history, I want you to look up to me and know that I fought for a better, cleaner, safer, more livable and vibrant and connected, loving environment for you to learn and grow in.  I want youth to be able to choose whether or not to have kids of your own someday, and not have the uncertainty of our climate crisis be a factor in that decision.  I want you and your grandchildren to go fishing and eat the trout you catch and drink from the springs and catch snowflakes on your tongues and swim freely in our oceans and breath clean air and walk in intact, ancient forests, and so much more.

Who are we to deprive you of that beauty?

As a commitment to you and your freedom and vitality and joy.  I promise to work to bring people together, eat locally and seasonally, buy an electric vehicle next and live in harmony with the natural world as much as I can manage. 

 Love you buddy,


This letter was collected as part of DearTomorrow Missoula, a partnership between Families for a Livable Climate and Climate Smart Missoula with DearTomorrow, an award-winning climate storytelling project where people write messages to loved ones living in the future. Messages are shared now at and through social media, public talks, community events, and public art to inspire deep thinking and bold action on climate.


Severe drought impacts agriculture in eastern Montana counties


Dear Soren