How is climate change affecting
the places and people you love in Montana?
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The Montana Climate Stories map geographically shows real stories from Montanans about how climate change is impacting them and the actions they are taking in response.
Words & Images
Glacier National Park has always been a place of change, and given time, it can adapt. However, the rate of change seen today is fast enough to raise concerns about adaptation, for both ecosystems and societies alike.
Burning fossil fuels is often the only choice for traveling to Logan Pass. That is the way it has been since Going-to-the-Sun Road first opened in 1933. For over a century, fossil fuels have taken us wherever we wanted to go.
Though unintended, burning these fuels releases greenhouse gases that warm the climate.
Both the causes and the consequences of climate change are intertwined here. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that warms the planet. High elevation areas like Logan Pass are warming much faster than the global average, causing glacier retreat here and around the globe. Since early drillers moved into this area the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen sharply.
By Marian Kummer | (Source: The Billings Gazette)
Though many are unaware or disbelieving, Montanans, like people everywhere, are already feeling the impacts of climate change. Many of those come in the form of detrimental impacts on our health.
Story originally published by on Glacier National Park
“By standing in the same places that an early photographer stood and taking a new picture, we can compare how the landscape has, or has not, changed. This technique is called repeat photography or rephotography.
The glaciers of McKeon’s youth have all gotten smaller. Her collection of repeat photographs document changes seen over the last century, but they are also a new baseline to measure future changes against.”
By Axana Soltan
In drafting a "Dear Tomorrow" letter, I envision a message to my children in 2050, assuring them that today, in 2024, we took a stand. We acknowledged the crisis at hand and committed ourselves to action.
By Jacob Owens | Native News, University of Montana School of Journalism
Ranchers throughout northcentral Montana, including those on the Fort Belknap reservation, are reporting dramatically reduced herds. Some ranchers, though generally optimistic, harbor concerns about the future of their iconic way of life.
By Clarise Larson | Native News, University of Montana School of Journalism
Bends isn’t new to wildfire. His family has been ranching on the reservation for generations. Ranching is a part of who he is. He is accustomed to wildfires — he remembers spending summers of his youth protecting his family’s ranch from wildfire.
But things are changing.
By Hannah Telling | Live at the 2023 Montana Folk Festival
“Looking back on my life, I realize I grew up surrounded by living ghosts. In the lush forests of my childhood, I chased stories of my great-grandparents—immigrants, miners, union members. In the heat of summer, I leapt over deep, linear trenches marking collapsed mine tunnels, explored desolated, alien planet landscapes caused by toxic mine waste, and unearthed strange, rusted machinery from Montana’s industrial past.”
We are past the point of discussion and inactivity when so many are fleeing their homes and communities are forced to navigate slow government response and people are being denied safe access to necessary medical care. We must rally together in these times across demographics and countries.
By Sandra Mckee | 2023 Billings Climate Week
Sandra McKee, shares what it was like growing up around Glacier National Park. Having her own kids witness the glaciers disappear, seemed like the most impossible thing she could imagine due to their grandiosity in her own childhood.
By Carol Mick | 2023 Billings Climate Week
Carol Mick of Billings shares her experiences and frustrations working for Montana Power Company as a Geologist and the unessusary impacts their actions placed on taxpayers, farmers, the environment, and animals.
By Lara Tomov | Live at the 2023 Bitterroot Climate Story event
“It's not about making a seat for everyone at the table. We need to tear that table apart into firewood and build a bonfire together that's comfortable for everyone and adaptive to changes.”
By Lisa Harmon | 2024 Billings Climate Week
“If you think about [the Church’s] reach across the nation, that’s a lot of people we can bring a message around climate to.”
Climate change stories are frequently full of isolation, anxiety, fear, and anger. These emotions, though negative, can actually be vehicles for empowerment and resilience. By shifting the issue to what we are grateful for and the hopes we have, we can channel negative emotions into aspirations, fostering a sense of community and collective strength.
Included are recordings of the four speakers who presented at our University of Montana FLAT House storytelling event hosted on November 17th, 2024 at the FLAT Studio.
By Randy Hafer | 2024 Billings Climate Week
“It became more and more apparent, as we were building the [Urban Frontier] House, that, in fact, the simpler the systems get, the smaller the systems get…the easier everything is, and the less expensive it is.” ”
By Ed Gulick | 2024 Billings Climate Week
“When you are riding [your bike], there is a real connection to the people around you. And you are connected to your place. We have a wonderful place! Let’s enjoy this place. You are connected to the weather in ways that a lot of people aren’t connected. It’s a wonderful thing!"
By Boris Krizek | 2024 Billings Climate Week
“[Emissions are] fairly comparable between the CNG and the diesel [engines] particularly because [the diesel] has the regen [system].”
By Alex Hibala | Live at the 2023 Bitteroot Climate Story event
“The river, this river is special. All of them in this state are special. It's not anywhere in the West that you get to find this many freestone fish living wild. Wild fish adapting to the environment as best as they can. They deserve some protection and a little bit of forethought.”
By Cari Holst | 2024 Billings Climate Week
“Buying locally, buying from something like a food hub, building up that local ecosystem, that resiliency, allows us to fall back on the local community and local producers. Because if we try to build up those things when we need them, it’s going to be really hard.”